Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Crônicas de uma vida - Judite

Há quatro dias (19/11/22) chegou uma notícia que não queria ouvir, a da tua partida, a um mês de completares 36 anos de vida... Esse maldito cancro que nunca te teve mas levou-te para longe agora... E se na adolescência até pensava serem muitos anos, hoje penso que não passam de um suspiro. Deliracerou o meu coração, mas que injustiça...

Seguia-te de longe, e olhava as tuas coisas no Facebook, esperando sempre por boas notícias, porque apesar de a vida nos lançar por caminhos e vidas diferentes, sempre ficou aquele carinho, aquele amor e as nossas recordações...

Construiste uma linda família, tiveste um filho maravilhoso, estavas rodeada de amor e almas lindas, pelo pouco de palavras que trocamos estes últimos anos, sabia-te bem dadas as circunstâncias e tinha tanta a certeza que aquele café em Almada ainda haveria de acontecer...

Que dor, ver o esforço de quem segue, da tua família carregar agora as lágrimas e a dor da tua ausência, de perceber a luz do dia, ouvir o barulho do meu relógio do quarto e saber que tu já não verás esta luz, que já não precisas da medida do tempo para nada... Onde estás já só precisas de te enviarmos amor e viver nas nossas recordações.

Nestes quatro dias no meio da minha dor, só quero acreditar que isto tudo é mentira, e meu pensamento não se desvia das doces memórias que tenho contigo, como me disseste há uns anos atrás, éramos felizes e não sabíamos... Pois não, não sabíamos a nossa sorte, de apesar das dores da altura, éramos saudáveis e tínhamos a certeza que iríamos morrer velhinhas.

Já revi tantas vezes o caminho que fazia até a tua casa, onde nos encontrávamos para as andanças pelo Laranjeiro ou Almada de quando a tua mãe ia para o bingo, íamos tantas vezes àquele salão de jogos onde eras viciada e Pró no Puzzle Bubble, a máquina que nos entretinha... Ainda te vejo sentada a porta de casa a escrever a letra da música (Lady Marmalade -Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?....) para a decorares.... As conversas e tagarelices, as tardes no cinema quando a Academia ainda estava a bombar, o que nos rimos com o Scary Movie ou American Pie...

As noites dos bailaricos que íamos de tasco em tasco, os verões que íamos para as praias da Costa de Caparica com a bela da garrafa de água congelada enrolada em prata, os amigos a areia e os tascos a bombar "As batatas da Terra" dos morangos do Nordeste.... É nestas e noutras memórias que te vou encontrar sempre... Um pedaço de ti vai estar sempre vivo em mim, para sempre como um diamante precioso... Entretanto vou visitarte a casa como tantas vezes fiz, fosse em mocidade fosse nas memórias que sempre recordei... Estás viva em nós linda, cada um de nós carrega de ti diferentes partes da tua história, diferentes fases da tua vida... E até nos voltarmos a reunir, chega para lá, deixa-me sentar nesse degrau contigo que daqui a nada vamos para a feira.

Amo-te até já!

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

POV just my head or what?

Narcissism is growing, millennials are in trouble, and so is all population, please take your time to do a research and you will see / read it... There are multiple narcissistic personalities and not all are equal, they came in all type combinations and strength. They can be anyone and they can be you or me, someone related or a very nice friend... The scary part is that in one YouTube video, the professional said that in early 90`s several studies pointed that 30% of people who participated had narcissistic personality and a recent study showed that now the 30% was referring to the normal healthy people...

People that will be our doctors, teachers, careers, maybe our relatives.... What the heck is going on? How it will be horrible to live in future society? Did we messed up protecting too much that generation? Did we spoiled them to the point of no return? Os this the fruit of a individualistic society, games, social media all together?

We are so deeply damaged, our society definitely will change in the next years and I am seriously wishing a miracle... But as far as I know there is no cure, and once developed this personality, even therapeutic treatments are limited...

Our Armageddon will be brought by our hands, our destruction will be performed through our rotten hearts... I wish all this would be just a bad dream... But is not, so to those with a little sanity... Hold on, live the moment and do your best to be happy and kind...

See you in the other side of the rainbow 🌈

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

❤️ Happy women's day to all of us🌸

To us women who had to fight to vote, to own ourselves, to be considered human beings and not property.

To us women who still fight for the same opportunities for career progression and equal pay in a patriarchal society that still insists on continuing this inequality, which certainly, in most cases, favors men.

To us women who, most of the time, are still blamed when we suffer various types of abuse, whether due to our clothes, or the hours we walk on the street...
When men are still excused from their culpability in aggression with a "she's lazy" or other statements that are just as wrong and just as ridiculous.

To us women who offend many men when we talk about equality, and who still have to explain that because we are biologically different does not mean that we do not have the right to have the same jobs, and adapted to our different needs, because the truth is that we are In a society largely adapted to men, how would men fare if they had to adapt to a society built for women?

To us women who insist on fighting for our dreams even when other women try to put us in "our place".

To us women who know that strong men also cry, who have feelings like us and who despite everything we encourage them to free themselves from the psychological chains of a society that insists on molding people into machines.

We women continue to look for our way, for us women that don't want to be MORE or LESS than men...

To us women who are only looking for a fairer world for all of us....

Yes... happy women's day to all of us women, and all those who help us conquer more freedom day by day ❤️

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Take care of your garden flowers 🌸💐🌻🌹🏵️🥀🌷🥀🌱🌼

Don't take a lifetime to appreciate those who are by your side, don't take a lifetime in the bath of pride and self-defense to adapt to those who share their soul with you...

Remember that every time we take responsibility for having someone in life, it is also taking responsibility for caring and not devaluing the partner's needs, and two happy and fulfilled people will always give equal value to a happy home.

A relationship is a fragile plant that needs to be cared for and cherished, and as much as you've had bad gardening experiences in the past, the resentment and past traumas transferred to this flower will only get in the way of a beautiful bloom and reduce the potential of the true gods nectar... Sharing pain is not the same as imprinting it on the relationship, because we all bring baggage and we will all fail if we release demons where they shouldn't be... Their place is in the past... That's why it's so important to take good care of our garden before having a relationship, so that the land is fertile, we must work on ourselves first...

Don't waste time when you know the path of reason, your effort will be equal to your results...

Show your partner that you care, how you want to be loved and learn how to love, learn how to reach the heart, and don't wait for the hill of disillusionment to do what you could have done when the hills were still in bloom...

What you put in effort and dedication will always be what you get, don't expect perfection in a garden you forgot to take care of...

In a world of transformation, recycle your being, improve the version of you, because when two people assume themselves as gardeners of such a fragile and dependent flower garden, nothing they invest is less than what they should do....

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Carpe Diem

In the bus coming home
The sun is kissing the sky
These colours make me feel welcome
The shadows are still shy

In my pocket a few more smiles
Sprinkles of fairy dust
After walking all these miles
Enjoy the moment is a Must

Trees embrace the landscape
Green fields stretch beyond the horizon
My mind piece by piece escape 
Reality is no more a prison

Music harmonise the ambient
My thoughts above the clouds
Drifted so that my soul is no more present
I can't see anymore the crowds

I am wonderfully lost in men
Music, nature, thoughts, bus and the sunshine
I smile because now I can see
This moment... Is Nirvana! Is divine!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Child of the universe

Tell me child,

From which monster do you run away when home is your last destination?

From which sprinkles in your thoughts you try to hide?

Which superstitions are holding you back?

Which stars keep guiding you in the dark nights that engulf you in mystery and owl screams? And Do the wolves scare you or they show you the way to the moon?

How deep is your ocean? 

How many tears hang in your chest?

Tell me child, do you let that clock in the wall tell you what time is it?

And if you look to your hands, are they half empty or half full? And that shoes that you bring, are they your size? 

Have you ever looked at me? 

Am I big to you or just a spectrum in your imagination? 
Am I source of concern or am I your relief? 
Do my mysteries bring you to justice or do they condemn you? 

Tell me child!? 

Are we friends sitting in a front door step turned to a sunset in a summer day or are we the enemies like the sailors and the Cape of torments hiding the powerful and scary imaginary sea monsters ready to sink all boats that dare to go so far? 

And if so... Tell me child... Do you dare? 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Souls of time

I know!
The veins in your hands don't carry just blood, they carry your memories, they carry the proof of your life.
Your winkles are the map of your time on earth and they were crafted with pain and joy, in them you can recognize your smiles, your cries, your fears, your lovers ... All that storms of feelings that time took away, and now just memories tell your history, and you wonder how long it will take until you go home, may you be scared even knowing you are old, but you know that is the nature of living beings, they born, mature and die. And you may tell your descendents that you are ok with that just to try to educate them and prepare them for what is to came so that they don't suffer like you, because you are scared, and that young person inside you is still shouting "please, don't go yet", is panicking for each day that goes by, knowing that there is no way back, and you hold to your body that gets old and tired, that engine that is working slower and slower, that one day you know that must stop. But i know that you hold so pretty treasures in you, embedded in your heart, and when you need the shield opens up, made of longing of sounds and colours, made of intense feelings, made of faith and God, and all the fear goes away for moments and day by day you learn how to live in that limbo, how to surrender to the facts and how to walk with hope and faith, and may your eyes don't focus anymore and without glasses the material world is blurred but you can see life with the sharpest vision of ever, you swallowed the liquor of knowledge and experience and now you have deep and amazing roots, and the tree in you is more powerful than ever... And i know... You envy young people but just for the time that they have in front of them, and you feel petty because you know that they don't know yet what is really important in life, like you didn't when you were young.
Yeh... I know!
You think that life is a wonderful miracle and you now think that there is nothing more beautiful than a cuppa tea in a rainy day, a sunset in seaside in a warm summer day, a green forest and all its fragrances and sounds in a sunny morning, a night illuminated by the moon and stars, the sound of a laugh and the feeling of holding a hand, the love in so many shapes and colours, oh.. So many brunches growing in you... And you wish everyone would know and feel that....
I know!