Tuesday, March 8, 2022

❤️ Happy women's day to all of us🌸

To us women who had to fight to vote, to own ourselves, to be considered human beings and not property.

To us women who still fight for the same opportunities for career progression and equal pay in a patriarchal society that still insists on continuing this inequality, which certainly, in most cases, favors men.

To us women who, most of the time, are still blamed when we suffer various types of abuse, whether due to our clothes, or the hours we walk on the street...
When men are still excused from their culpability in aggression with a "she's lazy" or other statements that are just as wrong and just as ridiculous.

To us women who offend many men when we talk about equality, and who still have to explain that because we are biologically different does not mean that we do not have the right to have the same jobs, and adapted to our different needs, because the truth is that we are In a society largely adapted to men, how would men fare if they had to adapt to a society built for women?

To us women who insist on fighting for our dreams even when other women try to put us in "our place".

To us women who know that strong men also cry, who have feelings like us and who despite everything we encourage them to free themselves from the psychological chains of a society that insists on molding people into machines.

We women continue to look for our way, for us women that don't want to be MORE or LESS than men...

To us women who are only looking for a fairer world for all of us....

Yes... happy women's day to all of us women, and all those who help us conquer more freedom day by day ❤️