Tuesday, August 2, 2022

POV just my head or what?

Narcissism is growing, millennials are in trouble, and so is all population, please take your time to do a research and you will see / read it... There are multiple narcissistic personalities and not all are equal, they came in all type combinations and strength. They can be anyone and they can be you or me, someone related or a very nice friend... The scary part is that in one YouTube video, the professional said that in early 90`s several studies pointed that 30% of people who participated had narcissistic personality and a recent study showed that now the 30% was referring to the normal healthy people...

People that will be our doctors, teachers, careers, maybe our relatives.... What the heck is going on? How it will be horrible to live in future society? Did we messed up protecting too much that generation? Did we spoiled them to the point of no return? Os this the fruit of a individualistic society, games, social media all together?

We are so deeply damaged, our society definitely will change in the next years and I am seriously wishing a miracle... But as far as I know there is no cure, and once developed this personality, even therapeutic treatments are limited...

Our Armageddon will be brought by our hands, our destruction will be performed through our rotten hearts... I wish all this would be just a bad dream... But is not, so to those with a little sanity... Hold on, live the moment and do your best to be happy and kind...

See you in the other side of the rainbow 🌈