So what can do a young lady in one Tuesday night when living in a quiet place were nothing happens in the middle of the week? 🤷 Oh well... Google imaginary symptoms and realize that dead is near? Finish that crochet or DIY and ensure that gets a tendinitis after a few hours? Watch bad quality movies online? Do a quick calculation of all expenses and due a low income realise that having so slim budget at the moment means that winter is coming soon? 🤔 Nahhh not today! This young lady just decided to go to cinema 😊 treat herself with a nice "alone" time 💆 relaxing 👸. So what movie would this lady choose? An horror movie of course 🙋 oh yeh... THE NUN 📿! how therapeutic is to go in a dark room and scream like a hell? (Cinema, i am speaking about cinema 😂) yeh... So I just took my place and soon the movie started 🎥. The movie was actually very good, but i may be nuts cause I end up always laughing my eyes out in the most stupid scenes... LOUD 😂 and at certain point I didn't knew if the people around me were laughing because they were nervous our because they didn't understood why i was laughing...😂 who can understand these people? Lol in real life if was looking a freaking ghost, demon, weird noises obviously not from this world i would be running for my life and never look back 😑 in horror movies they beg to be killed.... They see something strange and they run after it... Never in opposite direction! Seriously? 😂👌 Oh well but it was a very nice history, and i could scream and laugh a bit 🤡👹 well for tonight is everything 🙅 stay happy peoples 🍻